

How many number of shells in sodium?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: How many number of shells in sodium?
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How many shells can an electron cloud have?

The correct number of electron clouds or shells sodium has is 3.

How many electron shells does Sodium have?

Sodium, i believe has 3 shells.

How many shells in sodium?

the sodium atom has 3 shells where 2 electrons are in the first shell, 8 in the second and 1 in the third shell; which isn't stable..... and its symbol is Na :)

What is sodium's number of electron shells?

Sodium has 3 energy levels, 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s.

How can you use the period number and the group number on the periodic table to describe an element's atomic structure?

The period number helps in determining the number of shells in the element. For example, Sodium (Na) is in 3rd period that means there are 3 shells in the atom of an Sodium.

Which other elements contain the same number of atomic shells as sodium written as the chemical symbols?

The elements of period 3 has same number of shells as sodium. These elements are Mg, Al , Si, P , S, Cl and Ar.

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Sodium(Na) has smaller radius than Bromine because Na has less number of shells.

What element has the same number of atomic shells as sodium?

All of the elements in the same period (row) of the periodic table as sodium have this property.

How many electron shells are in sodium?

Sodium has 3 energy levels, 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s.

How many atomic shells does sodium have?

the sodium atom has 3 shells where 2 electrons are in the first shell, 8 in the second and 1 in the third shell; which isn't stable..... and its symbol is Na :)

How many shells exists in an atom and what are the names of that shells?

The number of shells varies. The row number of the element is the number of shells. They don't really have names, but they're referred to by how many levels they are away from the nucleus.

Is Meave60 sure about How many electron shells does Sodium have?

i dont think so