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Q: How many number ones have all saints had?
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How many number ones in how many countries has Michael Jackson had?

He's had numerous number ones in many countries, there's far to many to list. For all of his number ones in various countries, see related links.

What is the purpose for lighting candles at graves on All Saints Day?

Its just a matter of respect to your love ones. It actually is done on All Souls Day, not All Saints Day.

How many professional musicians?

It depends. Famous ones and upcoming ones all together, there's no specific number.

What are some saints songs?

There are many songs about saints but my favorite is For All the Saints which was written by William How.

How many all Irish saints are there?

For a complete list of Irish saints, click on this link. There are many of them.

Is St. Isabel seen as a saint?

There are a number of saints named Isabel or Isabella and all are thought of as saints.

What is all saints day about?

All Saints' Day is a Christian holiday that honors all saints, known and unknown. It is a day to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have lived holy and virtuous lives. In some countries, it is also a time to visit the graves of loved ones and offer prayers for their souls.

On what dates are the saints celebrated?

Everyday of the year a number of saints have their feast day. On November 1 all those unnamed saints are memorialized by the Church.

How many saints are there in Syrian Catholic church?

All the saints in the Catholic Church are saints in the Syrian Rite, as well, there are a few listed just in the Syrian calendar, which are not common with the rest of the Catholic Church, I'm not really sure of the number, Wikipedia lists 72, but of course, total, there are thousands, as they venerate all the saints of the Catholic Church.

What did the saints do in the Middle Ages?

Many of the saints of the Middle Ages were missionaries. But saints came from all classes of life and did many very different things.

What do we celebrate on All Saints Day?

To remember the people that have died and the people that we miss and love..

Are all saints French?

No, saints come from various countries and cultures around the world. While there are many French saints, saints can be found in many different countries and backgrounds.