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Q: How many numbers of genes in amphebians and humans?
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Approximately how many genes do humans has?

Humans have about 20, 000 to 25,000 genes.

How many genes do humans has?


How many genes do yo have?

The Human Genome Project discovered that humans have about 24 000 genes.

How many genes do Human Genome Project estimates that humans have?

around 30,000-40,000 genes.

How many genes are there in DNA?

Different species have different numbers of genes. About 1.5% of human DNA is genes - and it is estimated that there are around 23,000 protein-coding genes.

In 2001 geneticists discovered that you humans have many fewer genes than you thought How many?


How many genes do animals have?

Different animals have different numbers of genes (and chromosomes). The exact number of genes that animals have has not been proven for many species, so estimates have been made. It is estimated that humans and mice have approximately 20,000 genes, roundworms have approximately 13,000 genes and yeast has around 6,000 genes. It should be noted that, similar to chromosome number, a larger number of genes does not necessarily mean the organism is more complex - for example rice has over 46,000 genes.

Do humans have 46 genes?

No. The human cell has 23 chromosome pairs (total 46 chromosomes). Each chromosome has many genes.

How many genes do homo sapiens have?

Humans have approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in their DNA, although this number can vary slightly between individuals.

How many genes are there?

Your question is vague - I do not know what you mean by "there"? Assuming you are referring to people, it is estimated that there are around 23,000 genes. But other species will have entirely different numbers.

Why are Neandrathals important?

It is very likely that modern humans have a great many Neanderthal genes in our common human makeup.

How many copies of each gene do you have?

Humans typically have two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. This pairing of genes allows for genetic diversity and a variety of possible gene combinations. Some genes may have multiple copies or variations, but in general, humans have two copies of most genes.