

How many of rats young survive?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: How many of rats young survive?
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10 rats given LD50 dose of aspirin how many rats survive?

by definition ld50 is when 50% survive or dead,,answer will be 5 if i count well

How do rats ensure that some for them will survive?

They ensure their species survival by having many babies at a time. They also breed frequently and at as young an age as 5 weeks.

Can brother and sister rats mate and have healthy babies?

I don't believe they can, because if rats from the same family mate, it can cause problem with the young babies, chances are they might not survive or have severe problems

How many babies survive in a litter of rats?

Several rats may survive if it`s a healthy litter the answer may change depending on season and living condition

What do young rats eat?

young rats eat feces from their mother's ramparts

What do rats need to survive?

Rats need things like water to survive in their environment. They also need food and a shelter to live in.

How does knowing how to find food help the rats?

Food helps the rats survive.

Do rats hate dandylions?

Rats have very small brains so they don't hate or like anything. They will eat anything, swim underwater, and survive under many circumstances.

How does a green mamba survive?

it eats rats for food.

How does climate change affect rats?

Rats are very adaptable. They survive all round the world, in many different climates. They eat everything and anything. Rats will probably not be affected too much by climate change, because they can adapt.

Why is milk important to rats?

Rats are mammals. Mammals feed their Young on milk.

What do bats and rats have in common?

Horses, Bats, and Rats are all mammals, give birth to live young, and nurse their live young.