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It depends on how long the fox lives. In the wild, few foxes live much beyond their 5th year. Assuming they breed the first time at a year of age, they would only produce 3-4 litters of kits over their brief life.

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about 5-7 months i think :p

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Q: How many offspring do foxes have?
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How many foxes can stay at a certain area?

Any area will usually have a family of foxes - parents and offspring. This family may include offspring from a previous year as well as current young. They will mark their territory and guard it against other foxes.

Do foxes run in packs?

Foxes don't live in packs, but they may live in families of under 10.

What is a foxes' young called?

A young fox is called a Kit

Do gray foxes live in groups?

They may live in a small family group consisting of the parents and offspring.

Can a gray fox breed with a red fox?

No, the gray fox is in an entirely different genus from the red fox and would probably be incapable of producing offspring.

What do fox offspring look like?

The proper name for baby foxes is kits. Sometimes they are called cubs or pups.

Do red foxes live in herd pod or flock or alone?

They are basically solitary animals and are territorial they usually have one mate and are protective of that mate during and after mating. the bigger foxes that are able to get away with it will also mate with the females in neighboring territory if they can get away with it. A bit like humans that way.

How do fennec foxes take care of their offspring?

The male and female both protect the offspring but yet the male does not enter the maternal den (breeding den).

Can an Arctic fox be in a pack?

Arctic foxes do not form packs but they do frequently live in family groups of parents and offspring.

Do Arctic foxes stay in packs?

No, foxes live in small family groups - parents and offspring. Often times the kits from the previous year will stay with the family group to help with the newborn kits. This is especially true of the Arctic fox. For more information click on this link.

Is the fox solitary or group?

Foxes live in small family groups consisting of the parents and offspring.

Does the Arctic fox live in a group or by itself?

There is a commonly held fallacy that all foxes live alone. Some do, but not all. Snow or Arctic Foxes live in small family groups and lead a nomadic life, going wherever the prey is. An Arctic Fox possesses the ability to hear a rat beneath the ice and ground and immediately dig it out for food.