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Q: How many ounces of sour cream are in a quarter cup?
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16 ounces sour cream equal how many cups of sour cream?

A pint contains 16 fluid ounces.

How much is 150 gram sour cream?

When measuring sour cream, 150 grams is equal to 5.29 ounces of sour cream. Most people in the United States, use measurements in ounces.

How many oz in 3 lbs sour cream?

since their is sixteen ounces in one pound, this is the same for sour cream. therefor, the answer would be sixteen ounces

How many ounces of sour cream are in one cup?

AnswerThere are two different "ounces"--one measures volume and the other measures weight. To measure volume, we use fluid ounces, and there are exactly eight fluid ounces of anything in a cup.However, since sour cream is sold by weight, this question wants to know how much one cup of sour cream weighs.1 cup of sour cream weighs 242 grams which is about 8.5 ounces

How many oz are in a small container of sour cream?

Look at the carton, it will tell you how many oz are in it.

Eight Tablespoons of sour cream equals how many ounces?

1 Ounce = 2 Tbsp. Therefore, 8 Tablespoons equal 4 ounces.

Rachel has 2 pounds of sour cream if she uses 14 ounces to make coffee cake how may ounces of sour cream does she have left?

She will have 18 ounces left. There are 16 ounces to a pound. She has 2 pounds, that equals a total of 32 ounces. Then subtract 14 ounces from 32 ounces and the total amount left is 18 ounces.

24 ounces of sour cream is equal to 75 percent of a quart?


How many grams in 5 litres of sour cream?

Sour cream is about the same density of water. 5 litres of sour cream is about 5,000 gm

How many cups in 3 ounces sour cream?

Well first of all you can add cream cheese instead of sour cream. They are both the same kinds of cheese! So just figure out how much oz of cream cheese equal a 2/3 of a cup and use that.

How many pounds of sour cream are in a gallon?

How much does a gallon of sour cream weigh

How many calories is sour cream?

That depends WHICH sour cream you use. The best thing is fat free sour cream.