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Q: How many outer electrons does each lithium atom loose when bonding with oxygen according to the formula Li2O?
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How many valence electrons does lithium (Li) have available for bonding?

Lithium have available for bonding one electron.

Fluorine has a higher electronegativity than Lithium What does this actually mean?

electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons, therefore fluorine is more able to attract electrons then lithium (has a greater pull).

What happens in terms of electrons when lithium reacts with oxygen?

Oxygen is more electronegative than lithium, a metal. Oxygen has a tendency to gain two electrons so it will bond with two lithium atoms which have a tendency to donate one valence electron for bonding. Li2O

What type of bonding would be expected between atoms I and F?

Ionic bonding---with such different electronegativities it would be hard for lithium and fluorine to share electrons in a covalent bond. It is far more energetically favorable for the lithium atom to transfer an electron to fluorine to form Li+ and F- and then have those two hook up to form an ionic bond.

What is LiOH?

LiOH is the formula for Lithium hydroxide it is an alkali, and therefore a base.

What is the formula for lithium acetate?

The formula for lithium acetate is LiC2H3O2.

How many outer-levels electrons do lithium and potassium have?

Lithium and potassium have only one valence electron each. A valence electron is an unpaired electron available for bonding with other elements. Since lithium and potassium have only one valence electron each, they are pretty stable elements that don't do a lot of bonding.

What is the chmical formula for lithium?

Li is the formula for lithium.

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How many electrons and protons lithium have?

The element lithium has 3 protons and 3 electrons.

What would happen lithium bonding with technetium?

I suppose that technetium cannot be bonded with lithium.

What is the chemical formula of lithium dioxide?

LiIAdded:LiI is the formula of lithium iodide, often misspelled as '...iodine'