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Female giant pandas give birth between 95 and 160 days after mating

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Q: How many pandas are born a day?
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Related questions

How many pandas can be born?

i think that atleast 4 baby pandas can be born at a time

How many pandas die each day?

How many pandas born at one time?

i think that atleast 4 baby pandas can be born at a time

Where were pandas born?

Pandas were born in China

Where do giant pandas spend most of their day?

giant pandas eat all day

Are newborn pandas born with no fur?

no pandas are born wit fur :D

How do pandas hatch?

Pandas are born and do not hatch from eggs.

Are all pandas born female?

some pandas are male and some pandas are female

What red pandas do all day?

Red Pandas sleep most of the day and come out at night to eat bamboo. My Source:

What pandas mostly do?

Pandas spend the majority of their day eating bamboo. Pandas are mostly known for having a voracious appetite for bamboo.

How many baby pandas are born?

1-2 but usuallly one dies :(

How many pandas are there in California?

how many pandas are there in zoo's