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Q: How many pandas are there in zoos around the world?
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Are pandas found in London?

No, pandas are not found in London. Pandas are indigenous to China, and a very few of them are loaned to zoos around the world.

Can you find a panda in Madagascar?

no, pandas are found in China and zoos around the world.

How many pandas were there in the world?

There are approximately 5500 pandas left in the world. The pandas are all found in Central China or in zoos.

How many giant pandas are kept in zoos all over the world?

about 3

Where pandas in the world?

Only wild pandas are in china but there are zoos all over the world that have them

How many giant pandas live in China?

Giant Pandas are an endangered species and as per the recent population surveys, we may have around 2000 individuals in the wild. Apart from this there are around 250 of them in captivity in Zoos around the world.

Which contries in the world have pandas?

Pandas are native to South Central China. There are pandas all over the world in zoos.

Where are giant pandas native?

.....china..I'm a chinese,and now in china,

How many pandas live in Australia?

Pandas are indigenous to China. The only Pandas in Australia are in Zoos.

How many pandas are there left in the UK?

Pandas are not native to the UK. Any pandas that are in the UK are in zoos.

How many wild pandas are there?

There are only about 1,000 pandas left in the wild according to National Geographic. It is very rare to spot them in the wild because they are so elusive. There are about 100 of them in zoos around the world which are studied for their behavior.

Were do pandas live in the world?

Mostly China and in zoos