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acording to Pandas international, 2007;

The best scientific estimates place the total number of all pandas at only 1,590.
There is an estimated 1,400 giant pandas in the world today, and about 200 of these live in zoos, refuges, and zoological parks around the world. Red pandas, however, have much larger numbers and have around 20,000 left. Over 400 of these live in captivity.
The best estimate is that there are approximately 1600 pandas in the wild and 200 in captivity according to Pandas International.

The best estimate is that in 2011, there are approximately 1600 giant pandas in the wild, and just over 200 in captivity, according to Pandas International. This constitutes an endangered species.
The last population survey done by IUCN Red List was in 2000 and 2002 and it used several different methods, and techniques which make it's results difficult to compare to past estimates and counts. The current estimate is between 1,000 and 2,000. The generally considered acceptable numbers are about 1,600. But again, that is an estimate based on the figures of past surveys, and the most current information. A new system for estimating population numbers was tried for the Giant Panda, using a DNA study done in 2006 of samples from the wild bears. This study indicates there may be as many as 2,000 to 3,000 Giant Pandas, but this has not been confirmed by a count, or survey, as of yet, but many hope the information promising. For more information, please see sites listed below.
1,000 in wild and about 150 in zoos they should have more if pochers stop pochering
There are about 1,200 Giant Pandas left in the world. If you dont believe that, then check on the internent, or encyclopedia. Or even National Geographic magazine. If you want to help them, donate some money to some organizations.
the panda population is down to about one thousand.
Despite their exalted status and relative lack of natural predators, pandas are endangered. Severe threats from humans have left fewer than 1,600 pandas in the wild.

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