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Q: How many paperclips could a magnet hold?
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How many steelpins can a magnet hold?

it depend on the strength of magnet. if i had a gauss measurement i could tell you.

How many paperclips can a bar magnet pick up?

Depending on how strong the magnet is the amount of paper clips it can pick up will vary. Why don't you test it for yourself?

Why cant someone hang a ton of paperclips off the end of a magnet?

you can hang as many paper clips as you want until the weight of the paper clips becomes more than the pulling force of the magnet

How many paperclips are in a box of No3 paperclips?

billions and billions

How many paperclips will it take to make a kilogram?

depends on the size of the paperclips

How many grams does 6 paperclips weigh?

1 gram = 2 paperclips, so 8 paperclips = 4 grams

How many aluminium and steel pins will a magnet be able to hold?


How many paperclips makes the longest chain?

U SPELT MANY WRONG but u need 123456789 paperclips to make the longest chain

How many paperclips equal 1 gram?


Steel paper clip attrack to a magnet?

Many items made of a certain material and minerals(such as:metal armor,refrigeraters,etc.),could often attrack to magnets wile items without this mineral should not stick or repel the magnet.However,yes,most paperclips attrack to magnets wile others don't.

How many paperclips will fit into an 8oz mason jar?

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