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They live on opposite ends of the world, so there is no real answer. Polar bears don't eat penguins.

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Q: How many penguins can a polar bear eat in a day?
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How many penguins every day do polar bears eat?

Zero. Polar Bears and penguins live at opposite ends of the world. Polar Bears Arctic, Penguins Antarctic. Polar Bears eat seals. This is a common misconception that polar bears and penguins live together, but they live on opposite poles.

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What do polar bears do daily?

Polar bears do not have a routine like humans do. What a polar bear does in a day is never the same. There are numerous days where a polar bear is just travelling, not eating, or waiting out a snow storm. It all depends on the bear and the time of year, among many other things.

What are the animals in the tundra?

there aren't many animals in the tundra but some are the arctic fox, caribou, ermine, grizzly bear, harlequin duck, musk ox, polar bear, and the snowy owl. some facts are that it never gets warmer than 45-50 degrees.alsoduring the summer of the tundra the sun nearly stays up the entire day! plus the wind blows 100% of the time.

How much do polar bears eat daily?

Polar bear eats 150lbs meat every day.

Where is chipboard from?

Tanzania but originally from Antarctica from the species of the Atlantic Polar Bear Tree. It was named the Atlantic Polar Bear Tree because the polar bears would climb the tree all day long.

What covering does a polar bear have?

the polar bear has a fur covering of which most people think is white, but actually it is transparent, and they have lots of it so it looks white! have a nice day x

What animal sleeps more polar bear or koala bear?

Koalas (which are not bears at all, but marsupials) sleep for between 16 and 21 hours a day. This is more than polar bears, which sleep for an averge of 8-9 hours a day.

Can a polar bear kill a musk ox?

Yes. They have strong heads and thick bodies with a lot of muscles and strength that can easily knock down the polar bear by charging. The musk ox can also gore the polar bear too death, or knocking the polar bear with its head.

How much do Bear eat a day?

a polar bear's stomach can hold up to between fifteen and twenty percent of its body weight in food. its diet consists primarily of protein and fat. a polar bear can go for months without eating.

How much food does a polar bear eat a day?

They eat seals they eat like 4

What is a polar bear's archenemy?

A male polar bear. Male bears tend to be territorial and very aggressive towards other males. Also, humans are a threat to the species because of the severe damage we have done to their environment. Every day a polar bear dies by drowning in what once was ice but is now melted from our cars and gas.