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Q: How many people are killed by air pollution?
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What is the Air pollution statement?

air pollution is caused by many things and it can be solved by people using more natural resources, which result in air pollution

What animals get killed by air pollution?

Most Animals... Just wait for air pollution to kick in enough.

What is making air pollution?

There are many things that are making air pollution, but I'll list a few. Car exhaust, factories, even cigarette smoke contributes to air pollution.

How many people were died by air pollution every day in the world?

According to the World Health Organization, around 7 million people die every year as a result of air pollution. This equates to approximately 19,178 deaths per day worldwide.

Is there air pollution?

There are many types of air pollution. There can be particulate air pollution from things like dirt and pollen. There can be chemical air pollution from things like engines.

Who is affected by water pollution?

People,animals and plants are affected by air pollution

Who discover air pollution?

The initial discovery of air pollution is unknown. Air pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the atmosphere. In 2014, the WHO reported that about 7 million people died in 2012 because of air pollution.

What are people doing now to stop air pollution?

People are discontinuing activities that cause air pollution. They are installing equipment that cleans air pollutants before they are released into the air.

How has pollution affected America?

Many clean rivers and watersheds have become polluted, and killed fish and other creatures. People dump trash on public roads, and often animals are road killed feeding on the garbage. Industrial pollution often went unchecked, making air qualities low. America, however, has cleaned up it's act, to where fewer waters are compromised, and air quality has improved.

How does air pollution affect the US?

It affects many people who have Asama and it makes it harder for people to breathe or to survive. pollution also affects plants and animals too.

Example of slowgun air pollution?

Slogans for air pollution are an excellent way to help people gain knowledge about the effects. Air pollution can really harm the environment.

How is pollution spread?

There are many forms of pollution. However the most frequently discussed forms of pollution would be air pollution and water pollution. Air pollution occurs when air pollutants are released into the air, and therefore is airbourne. Water pollution is, as the name suggests, pollution of water. This can be further subdivided into sewage water, factory discharge and many others. So I am not entirely sure what you mean, if you could specify, that would be great! :)