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people of earth if there is a zombie outbreak I want everybody in waterford California to meet at I.G.A. and we will from there go to the police department and grab guns! so please listen to THIS we are desperate for people for our group

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Q: How many people believe in zombies?
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Related questions

Why do people think zombies are real?

Well, Movies Make People Believe Many Things Zombies Are Just One.

Why do people believe in zombies?

Because zombies are AWESOME and scary and realistic.

Is it possable for zombies to exist?

Zombies are mythological creatures. Most people believe that, as such, they do not exist.

When did people start to believe in zombies?

People didn't just start to believe in Zombies Pursay zombies were like another name for an Egyptian Mummy returning to life which was around 300 B.C. Then movies were made and stories were told about zombies appearing and attacking people and what not. Your Welcome, Miles Davis

How many zombies eat the people?

None. Zombies are fictional.

How many people are zombies?

A lot

Are zombies going to kill us all?

Some people do believe they will. It merely depends on what you're willing to believe. yes they will

How many people can play cod zombies offline?

four people

Are there zombies in Florida?

Yes, there have been many cases where people tried to eat other people but they were shot by police. Also there had been many complaints by patients in hospital that said "zombies" bit them. Google zombies in Florida and you can check the news were police caught real zombies.

How do zombies evolve?

As people evolve, Zombies do to. Zombies are just people That are back from the dead.

Why are people eating people?

People are eating people, because a lot of people are weak minded. They believe that they are zombies or have some demon in them so they resort to eating people.

Do Buddhist believe in zombies?

no.. they dont