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As phrased, this is a pretty unanswerable question because no statistics are kept on this on how many people's genealogies go back to specific dates. If your intent is really, "Can you trace your family tree back to 629?", then it is answerable.

I can tell you that I've traced my family back to 37 B.C.** I could have gone back further, but didn't see a point in doing that. The point to family trees should never be how far back you can go, or how many people you have in it, but it should be about learning who you are and where you came from and the world around you.

A lot of people brag about having "the biggest family tree" or even being able to trace their genealogies back to the original Adam of The Bible. The truth is that whether or not you have done a genealogy, we all came from original stock and we all have the same sized family trees whether we can specifically show it on paper or not.

So, we should really focus not on bragging rights, but on where we came from, where we're going, where we're at, and what made us the way we are, as well as how we fit into the overall big picture of things.

**[Before anyone pops in here and says, "That's impossible!", let me just say that I've done my own research using impeccable resources--I've been researching 16 hours a day, 24/7 for the last year and am less than 25% through one parent's genealogy because of the vast amount of research. I have more than 320 source publications, 20 websites; and another dozen and a half societies and institutes. I work in Latin source documents and original source documents in many other languages written by monks and scribes of the times. The list grows daily. I have both a hard copy library of reference books as well as an extensive personal digital library.]

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Q: How many people can trace their family tree back to 629?
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