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According to the internet, roughly 1.8 die people die each second.

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14y ago

3 people die 4 people are born

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Q: How many people in the world die every second?
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on average, there are about 600,000,000 people in the world right now, but people are being born every second and people die every second so its hard to tell what the number is exactly - maria

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The amount of questions asked per second on WikiAnswers is not tracked. There are millions of people around the world that are on WikiAnswers every second, and is nearly impossible to track accurately. According to the recent site activity, about 1 questions is asked every second, give or take a few.

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one born every second. one dies every few.

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How many disabled christians are there in America?

No possible way to know, people die every second, people get disabled every minute.