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Q: How many people die from Cat Scratch Disease a year?
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How many people are diagnosed in the US with kidney disease each year?

2 million people are diagnosed with kidney disease each year, and a few thousand die of it or complications.

How many people die a year from Cushing. Sydrome?

Cushing's syndrome is a rare condition caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol. It does not typically result in death directly, but complications related to the condition such as heart disease, infections, or organ failure can lead to mortality. The exact number of deaths specifically attributed to Cushing's syndrome per year is unknown.

How many people is born per year?

over 20 people born in a year because people catch the masixezma disease and then they die.

How many people are affected with Refsum disease each year?

my mum has Refsums disease and as far as we are aware there are very very few people with the disease, around 80 or 100.

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How many people die each year from disease?

3/4 of the world die or become very ill each year from a genetic disease

How many people are affected each year by emphysema?

About 100,00 people in the United States suffer from this disease

How many people die from als each year?

Around 5,000-6,000 people die from ALS each year in the United States. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with no cure that primarily affects the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscles. Early diagnosis and multidisciplinary care are important in managing symptoms and improving quality of life for those affected by ALS.

How many people get rift valley fever each year?

This a viral disease compared to valley fever in the South West US which is an inhaled fungal disease. About 100 people get this each year if the year has been unusually wet.