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Q: How many people die from heart attacks from drinking diet soda?
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What is the role of cholesterol in angina?

Diet plays a role in heart attacks.

Is there a pill to lose weight?

Diet Pills are constantly advertised. But honestly, it is better not to take them. Diet pills can cause Heart Attacks.

What are the side effects of diet pills?

Diet pills can affect people differently and have side effects that include headaches, high blood pressure, diarrhea, and nervousness. The worst side effects are increased heart rate, heart attacks, and death in some cases.

What are the benefits of a low glycemic diet?

A low glycemic diet benefits people with diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels, facilitates weight loss, reduces the risk of heart attacks, and stabilizes "highs" and "lows".

Can you prevent heart attacks and strokes by eating a healthier diet?

You can definitely prevent heart attacks and strokes by having a healthier diet. It's not so much about what you eat, as what you limit or don't eat. High fat and high cholesterol foods will definitely increase your risk. If you limit them and remove some from your diet, that should help.

Are heart attacks the number one cause of death in women?

Heart attacks are very serious for women. They are one of the number one causes of death for women. You need to watch your diet and also exercise! Do this consistently.

How does hypertension develop and what does it have to do with a high risk of heart attacks?

Hypertension develops after you eat a diet that is too salty. It increases the risk of heart attacks because the salt scrapes the blood vessels allowing fat to get inside

What clogs arteries forming heart attacks?

Plaque clogs arteries. Plaque comes from a diet of fatty foods.

Where can I find information on the Triglyceride diet?

The Triglyceride diet is simply a diet of eating fresh fruits and whole grain breads and pastas and other fibers. This diet effects your heart and cause other heart problems ranging from clogged arteries to heart attacks. Talk to your doctor to get a more accurate diagnosis and possibly medical treatment.

Does vegetarianism prevent heart attacks?

A vegetarian diet, as prescribed by Dr. Dean Ornish, has been shown to improve heart disease and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis,

Are the ace diet pills safe for diabetics and people who have had heat attacks?

not realy

Will children of a person with heart disease also get heart disease?

well heart disease can be passed down in the family, there are ways that you can minimise the risks of heart disease and also have a healthy diet especially for children as they need a healthy diet as they are growing up. If you choose fruit and vegetables daily then you will minimise this risk. Fatty foods will block the arteries leading to high colesterol and heart attacks and strokes. Also eccessive drinking and smoking will cause heart disease in any event. Not all children who's parent have heart disease will get it, it all comes down to healthy eating and staying active.