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There are no statistics as to how many people die from rabbit fever each year. There are an estimated 150-300 cases each year.

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Q: How many people die from rabbit fever?
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How many people die from Fever?

There are no statistics as to how many people die from rabbit fever each year. There are an estimated 150-300 cases each year.

How does rabbit fever attack and spread?

It attacks the brain and spreads throught the hole body until you die.

How many people per year die from rabbit gang attacks?

There are no documented cases of people dying from rabbit gang attacks. Rabbits are generally not aggressive towards humans and typically pose no threat to people in terms of causing fatalities.

How many people die each year from scarlet fever?

Currently, it is estimated that about five people die from scarlet fever a year in the United States. In the past, epidemics caused an increase in fatalities from this illness. For example, it is known that 2089 people died from scarlet fever in Massachusetts alone during the 1858-59 epidemic.

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What percentage of victims die from yellow fever today?

On average, about 20-50% of people with severe cases of yellow fever will die from the disease. The mortality rate varies depending on the quality of medical care available and whether the person receives timely treatment and supportive care. However, with proper medical intervention and vaccination programs, the mortality rate has been significantly reduced.

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people are not similar than village people

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What percentage of people die from yellow fever?

researc says that 5-70% of people die from yellow fever today

How did Michelangelo Buonarroti die?

He got a fever, it was very usual for people to die of fevers back then because they didn't have medicine.We are only told he died from a fever.

How many people die from dengue fever?

12,500 die each year, according to the World Health Organization.

How many people does yellowfever kill in one year?

Every year about 200,000 cases of yellow fever are recorded, and 30,000 of these die.