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Q: How many people die from spiders in Australia each year?
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How many people are addmitted to hospital each year in Australia?

Too many!

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How many people die from bullying each year in Australia?

There is no specific data available on the number of deaths from bullying in Australia each year. However, bullying can have serious consequences on mental health and well-being, including an increased risk of self-harm and suicide. It is important to address bullying and its impacts through prevention and intervention efforts.

How many people are born in Australia every year?

Approximately 300,000 to 400,000 babies are born in Australia each year.

How many people die in Australia each year from Cardiovascular disease?


Are there any harmful spiders in Melbourne Australia?

While there are many poisonous spiders, the only spider considered highly dangerous is the Red-Back.

How many people die in car crashes each year in Australia?

There are millions of people that die each year in a car accident; each day, over one hundred people die a day in a car accident in Australia and surrounding areas.

How many people are shot and killed in Australia in one year?

About 7million, australia produces a new population each year

How many people die each year in Australia from alcohol related crashes?

about 0.11

How many spiders are killed by humans each year?

Not that many, I'm guessing.... It's not on the news everyday that you see people dying or getting put in hospitals from spider bites.

Does New South Wales get spiders?

Yes. Australia has many native and introduced spiders, with several hundred species found in New South Wales alone.

Australian sprinting spider?

There is no such thing as an Australian Sprinting Spider. There are many other spiders native to Australia, many of which are venomous.