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Q: How many people die in the tsunami and earthquake in japan?
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How many people did the tsunami and earthquake in Japan?


How many people are missing in japan?

over 1,000 people died in the earthquake and tsunami

How many people are killed in Japan?

There was about 2000 people killed because of the Tsunami and earthquake

What is the affect of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan?

Many towns were destroyed. Many people have died and are unaccounted for.

How many people lost their home in the japan earthquake and tsunami?

15,000 still have no home

How many people were injured or homeless in Japan from the March 2011 Earthquake?

There are over five thousand people injured from the Japan earthquake and tsunami that followed, and more than 500,000 homeless.

How many people died in earthquake in japan?

only 3 people died of the actual earthquacke but alot more died of the tsunami that hit japan.

How many people are still alive from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan 2011?

Most Japanese are still alive, about only 0.01% of the Japanese died in the earthquake.

How many communities in Japan were damaged by the earthquake and how many by the tsunami?

riei thf deygtg

Is it the first time an earthquake and TSUNAMI hit Japan?

No. It is only one of many times that an earthquake and tsunami have hit Japan. Earthquakes in subduction zones such as the one of the coast of Japan often trigger tsunamis. The March 2011 earthquake, at magnitude 9.0, was the strongest on record in Japan though.

How many people died in Japan Tusnami march 2011?

10,000 people have died, in Japan's latest Tsunami/Earthquake. The Earthquake was about 7.9 magnitude, and Tsunami was 8.9 magnitude, plz don't 4get them in ur prayers, ill/injured ones, and the one who died, )= take this as a request. tx )=

What disaster and how did it occur in Japan?

In Japan on March 11th, 2011 a 8.9 earthquake struck. Many people died. The earthquake led to a massive tsunami that covered part of Japan. Not a lot of people evacuated and many died from that too. After that, 2 nuclear power plants blew up.