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Nazis deliberately killed about 12 millions people, half of them Jews, other large groups of their victims include Roma (Gypsies) and Soviet POWs

Millions more died as a result of war they started.

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Q: How many people died as victims of Nazis in World War 2?
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How many people died during the holocaist?

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Romani being the descendants of Judas Iscariot is just one of the myths about them. Another is they were the descendents of Cain, who slew his brother, Abel. In actuality, the Roma are believed to have originated in India. They traditionally have led a nomadic lifestyle. The Romani people were victims of the Nazis, and many died in concentration camps during World War II.

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The holocaust refers to the extermination of Jews. Christians certainly died at the hands of the Nazis, but there is no category I could place this in. Perhaps, people the Nazis wanted dead for various reasons.

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Anne Frank and Margot Frank died in a concentration camp during World War II as a result of the persecution of Jewish people by the Nazis. They were victims of the Holocaust, a tragic event in history where millions of innocent people, including six million Jews, were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime.

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