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Q: How many people died of Cholera in the 1980s?
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How many many people died in the great stink?

it was cholera

How many people died of cholera in the 1900s?


How many died in the 2010 Haitian Cholera epidemic?

1800 people

How many people have cholera?

It is not actually known exactly how many people have died from cholera, which is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food, but it is safe to say that the most died before water treatment plants and other facilities were created. Many died from cholera while on the open prairie in the Wild West. In the Victorian era, about 7000 people died from cholera.

How many people died of Cholera in ww1?

3 % of the world population came down

How many people died of cholera in the revolutionary war?

No one. Cholera was unknown to the western world prior to the 1820s. Cholera did not strike the United States until 1832.

How many people died from cholera in the past 10 years?

Worldwide cholera affects 3-5 million people and causes 100,000-130,000 deaths a year as of 2010. So if Cholera has effected 3-5 million deathins in a year tome 5 million to 10 which equals 50 million so 50 million people have died of cholera in the past 10 years. From Sian xx

How many people each year die from diseases in haiti each year?

Approximately 30,000 people in Haiti die each year from diseases, mostly related to poor sanitation, lack of clean water, and limited access to healthcare. Diseases such as cholera, malaria, and HIV/AIDS are significant contributors to the mortality rate in Haiti.

Is cholera eradicated from India?

Cholera is not eradicated from the India. It is not possible to eradicate the cholera from India, in near future. Cholera is maintained in the community with many subclinical cases. Some of the people develop the severe form of cholera. With the majority people living in the villages and slums, they do not have access to good medical care. So many people die of dehydration, in isolated incidences.

How many people does cholera affect?

There are an estimated 3-5 million cholera cases and 100 000-20000 deaths due to cholera every year.

How many people are sick in haiti now for cholera?

Over 100,000 Haitians have become sick by the cholera in Haiti.

How many people have Cholera worldwide?

around 12 million people have it world wide