

How many people died on Oregon trail?

Updated: 6/10/2022
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Q: How many people died on Oregon trail?
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How many people died on the Oregon trail from the 1840s to the 1860s?


How was life on the Oregon trail?


About how many settlers traveled in the Oregon trail?

Over 500,000 people traveled on the Oregon Trail.

How many people braved the trail and emigrated to Oregon and California in 1860?

1200 people travelled the Oregon trail

Who led the Peoria party on the Oregon trail?

How the h**** am i supposed to know this s***??????? ttmocd10

What event did the pioneers go through in the Oregon trail?

People back then went on the Oregon trail to start new lives. They had a 2,000 mile journey to Oregon. They WALKED the whole way even though it was long and dangerous. Many families died because of diseases, lack of food and water, and their were even some Indian attacks. They still traveled because there were good opportunities there.

How many pioneers used the Oregon Trail?

Well, I did the Oregon Trail For my shcool project so I know many things about it. The answer is more than 1000 people at one time went!!! Its a lot right? I thought that the Oregon Trail was a very interesting topic. Want some fun?! THen type in: The Oregon Trail game. Its sooo fun!

Were there black people on the Oregon trail?

Yes, but not very many compared to white people.

What religion were most of the people that traveled on Oregon California trail?

There as many religions as there were people. Over 350,000 pioneers followed the trail.

Why was the Oregon trail named Oregon trail?

Beacuse it went to Oregon. But many trails branched off to other places.

Why did large numbers of people travel the Oregon trail?

The people on the Oregon Trail wanted to go the Oregon territory, or what is now Washington and Oregon. Why? because the letters and rumors of Oregon Territory's rich and natural beauty. The people wanted to go west for many reasons; to explore, to get free farmland, and to build homes, farms, towns, and after a wile, cities. The trail was also the fastest way to Oregon.

How many people died along the Oregon Trail from the 1840s through the 1860s?

Somewhere between 12,500 and 20,000 people. The discrepancy is because accurate records were not always kept and recorded.