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Q: How many people does it take to put the legs in stirrups?
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How do you keep the stirrup irons on the ball of your feet AND heels down without your feet coming out of the stirrups?

First of all it is important to have the stirrups at the correct length, this is done by the rider sitting in the saddle, feet out of the stirrups with their legs hanging down relaxed and loose. The stirrups should touch just below the riders ankle bone. Once the correct length is established the legs are in the correct position and keeping heels down and stirrups on balls of feet should come naturally. This does take practice, riding bareback (without a saddle) to establish a good seat is a great way to achieve this.

What kind of people take candid images of legs?

There are many professional photographers who take candid images of legs. However permission must always be sought before taking any images of the subjects.

How many vicodin do you take not to feel your legs?


How many legs do a caterpiller have?

50 give or take a little

How many twerks does it take to break your legs?

Approximately..... 100

How can people win when wrestling with a bigger person?

Take out their legs by some means.

How many miles is 7000 steps?

Not everybody's steps are the same length; people with longer legs go farther per step on average than people with shorter legs. Even so, not every step you take is the same length; thus, it is not possible to measure this exactly.

What are blevins buckles?

A quick release/adjustment buckle for stirrups on saddles which enables riders to lengthen or shorten the stirrups with much less fuss than unlacing. They are only made in Wheatland, Wyoming and were invented by a man who, during WWII, was part of the group who rode horseback up and down the Eastern coast watching for enemy ships coming into America's waters. It was time consuming to have to unlace the stirrup adjustments each time a new rider with different length legs had to take his watch.

How do you post bareback?

You should be using the muscles in your knees, thighs, and seats. Grip with your upper legs, and use them to "push off" as the horse rises. Also use the movement of the horse to raise you off his back. If you are having trouble, try posting, with a saddle, without using your feet too much. Then take your feet out of the stirrups and try.

Why can't you write with your legs?

There is no reason why you cannot write with your feet and legs. In fact, there are many people that have lost the use of their arms that use their feet to do many tasks, including writing. But it could get pretty difficult to take off your shoes everytime you had to sign something. And you'd have to get up on the counter, or put the item on the floor.

Do you have to lenghthen the stirrups and check the girth?

NO you do not have to lengthen the stirrups. In fact the girth is completely separate from stirrups. Just throw the stirrup over the pommell or horn, and adjust by cinceh or girth buckles. The western saddle has a circle cinch, that you adjust to make the daddle snug. The English saddle has two straps like belt buckles that you tighten to get the saddle snug. um yh but u shouldn't really take ur feet out the stirrups when u do it(at least with an English saddle i dunno about western) all u have 2 do is like lift ur foot up a bit and if u cant do it like tht and u need to take ur foot out the stirrup then take BOTH feet out otherwise if ur horse spooks or summin u will b dragged along

Is there a mammal with more than legs?

I take it your meant 4 legs no there are not