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Q: How many people get a paper cut a day?
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How many people wastes paper?

all Americans usually waste paper almost every day

How many people cut them selves on a slap chop a day?

43 people in every city

How many rolls of toilet paper do people use per day?


How many calories a day do most people cut to see weight loss?

It takes a reduction of 3500 calories to lose a pound. So, many people cut 500 to 1000 calories a day to lose 1-2 pounds at week.

How many pounds of paper are used a day?

we use 2 pounds of paper a day

How many trees are used for paper for school?

TWENTY MILLION ACRES of forest are cut down each day, and 30% (SIX MILLION ACRES PER DAY!) becomes wood pulp for paper. There's an average worldwide of about 20 trees per acre, so that's about.... ONE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION TREES PER DAY! disgusting...

How many trees are being cut down per day for furniture?

i think.......uhm........ a million per day... becoz many people using it for a job, to have money.

How many trees are being cut down each day in the Congo?

about 3000 beacause people hate animals!

How many trees are cut down a year for cigarettes?

1.5 Million trees are cut down everyday for the making of cigarettes. That's over 500 Million trees a year! Shocking, but paper uses more.

Can you make people from paper?

yes and one day when you die someone might make you into paper

How many trees are cut down each day to make a newspaper?

There are over 29 million trees that are cut down each year. 100 trees per minute are cut down in the rainforest to provide the materials to build homes, make furniture and paper.

What are fierritos?

"Fierritos" are tiny, very sharp chisels used to cut through many sheets of thin paper...mostly used to make the masks worn by Mexicans as they celebrate "The Day of the Dead."