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According to the U.S. Census Bureau (United States Census 2010), the national percent of the US population who have a bachelors degree or higher, is 27.2. For a more specific retrieval of information click on the relate links section (U.S. Census Bureau) indicated below.

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Q: How many people graduate college with undergraduate degrees each year 2000-2007 and how many are predicted to graduate in 2008 and 2009?
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It depends on which Wheaton College you're talking about. At Wheaton College in Illinois, there are 2,366 undergraduate students and 549 graduate students. At Wheaton College in Massachusetts, there are 1,655 undergraduate students and no graduate students.

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It's someone who just graduate high school or still taking requisites for their major.

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Study physics, mathematics, and astronomy in undergraduate college. Specialize in cosmology in graduate studies.

What are an undergrad and a graduate?

An undergraduate has not yet graduated from college, in other words, does not yet have a degree, while a graduate has graduated and has a degree. A graduate who seeks more advanced degrees can then be called a post graduate student.

What are undergrads?

Undergrads are tudents at college who have not yet completed their undergraduate degree. Once they have that, if they continue studying they are graduate students.

If you attended a college and the college lost your admission undergraduate documents but allowed you to complete a graduate program They also had you complete some undergraduate work?

Your making a statement, so I do not understand the question. Still, if you are attending graduate school and the school misplaced or lost your undergraduate documentation, you can easily submit another copy. If they gave you a conditional acceptance based on receipt of your undergraduate work, and that never occurred it would be sloppy work on the part of the school. Still, I cannot imagine a graduate school doing this.

How much schooling is needed to become a scientist that clones things?

After high school, 4 years of undergraduate college, followed by 5-6 years of graduate college, followed by 2-3 years of post-graduate research. Sometimes you can skip the post-graduate. --> you should be 27 or 28 by the time you finish graduate college.

What are an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree and a post-graduate degree?

The associate and bachelor degree levels are considered undergraduate coursework. The master's and doctorate degrees are considered graduate coursework. Post graduate is coursework taken after completion of a graduate program of study.