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From what I can find in related news stories it looks like Tilly has been involved in three deaths.

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Q: How many people has Tilly the Killer Whale killed?
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What whale killed the trainer in SeaWorld in February 2010?

Tilikum was the whale who killed the trainer. He has killed three people. Two trainers and a homeless man. Tilikum started performing on March 30th, 2010 after his third death.

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The whale that killed three people was not Shamu but Tilikum, the largest killer whale in captivity. He has killed two trainers and a park visitor.

What kinds of whales are getting killed?

killer whale and humpback whale.

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What killer whale killed its trainer?

i say it was tilkium

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killer whale because you'll have an awesome death because it's so huge

How do they get the name killer whale?

The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale

What will happen to Tilikum - the killer whale- now that he has killed 3 people?

No information has been given although they will not release him or put him down.

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Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale

Why do people call killer whales when they are really dolphins?

because the name whale in in his name hence killer whale

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Should Tilly the killer whale be euthanized?

No. Even though it is a misfortune that Dawn lost her life, Tilly is a wild creature meant for the ocean and not a theme park. It's basic instinct is to stay alive. Tilly, in the past, was known to be aggresive, so it is somewhat quesitonable that they continued to use him for shows and stunts when it was obvious that he posed a danger to his trainers. It was a risk that SeaWorld was willing to take, and to euthanize Tilly for this accident would therefore be irresponsible and a tragedy itself. Yes. For this reason the whale has killed three people if this was not a whale it would have been executed of jailed for life. Just because it is an animal does not mean it should not be punished. This whale has ended three human lives that's three family's that have been torn apart that's three of the most precious kinds of life ended, and in my book I would rather have a thousand whales die over one human. If this were any other animal it would have been euthanized by now. No other animal, after even one human death, would have been allowed to live. This whale should be killed as soon as possible. Not killing the whale is an insult to the memories of the people that is has killed and to their families. Seaworld and the Blackstone group are liable for this trainers death. This whale is worth millions of dollars but, what is the price of a human life? My vote would be the immediate extermination of this deadly animal. Seaworld always says what intelligent animals killer whales are. Without a doubt, this whale knew what it was doing.