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72%. But we can lower this percentage if you tell your kids or tell parents to tell their kids to ONLY carry the schoolbooks that you need.But if you need alot of schoolbooks to take with you, then then hang onto some of your books .

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Q: How many people have back problems from a backpack?
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Are backpacks really baad for your backs?

they can be only if you have the backpack at its lowest point. or filled with many books. i have had this with experience and it causes bad problems in the future

What pocket is the back pocket of a backpack?

The back pocket of a backpack is the pocket on the "top" of the backpack if you were to lay the pack on the ground with the arm straps underneath it. A fallacy among many females (because of their inferior sense of spacial reasoning.. that's science) is that this pocket is actually referred to as the "front pocket". This of course is incorrect as the "front pocket" is actually synonomous with the "main pouch" of the backpack and is closest to the body when the pack is being worn.

What can you do to reduce the number of backpack related complaints?

You can replace your backpack with a vest that has many, many large cargo pockets around the body and with strong durable materials. Such a vest is BukRap (bookwrap) designed to take the place of the backpack. originally designed for school book but people are using it for everything whenever they have large amounts to carry. The wide padded shoulders and pockets in the back help reduce the feel of all the weight.

What makes the TRITTON Technologies gaming Backpack so special?

It has a pullout case that fits inside the backpack, and many capartment cases that pull out as well. The back pack is also rain resistant and the material is durable.

What type of pillow would be best for somebody with back problems?

Many people with back problems need to use a very thin, almost flat pillow. This will keep the back from being too arched and causing further damage and pain.

Is backpack a noun or pronoun?


Do Muslim's have back problems from bending over from the knees in there prayers?

Yes. They have as many back problems as Catholics have knee problems from kneeling.

How many people uses wheelchairs?

It turns out that thousands of people use wheelchairs.But mainly elderly people would use them as people have problems with their back etc. It is called `disabled`.

how many syllables does backpack have?


How many inches are in a backpack?

There are about 20

What backpack brand is most durable?

There are many durable backpack brands. Some popular ones are Quiksilver, which is great for back to school (not to mention there is a variety of selections and colors). More expensive bags can be Roxy or Billabong that last quite long.

How many people are there out there who have memory foam beds and would these people recommend this type of bed over any other?

Well if your having back problems with your back a memory foam bed is very good for your problems. I think almost 9 out of 10 people recommend it. And you can't tell if your person next to you moves.