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Currently more than 500,000 Americans suffer from Crohns disease. This means that approximately 1 in every 544 or 0.18% of the American population has been diagnosed.

The U.S. census bureau keeps these records and they are not completely accurate as new diagnosis are made daily.

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Rachael Donnelly

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Q: How many people have Crohn's disease in the us?
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Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

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Does ethnicity affect one's chances of getting the Crohns disease?

There seems to be some evidence of this. Research has pointed to evidence of a genetic predisposition to various chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IDB). Incidence among Jewish individuals of Eastern European descent is one finding. The rate is at least two and up to eight times more specifically common in Ashkenazi Jews. Crohns disease occurs in all ethnic groups and races but its incidence is highest in Caucasians and Jewish people. The Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America has estimated that over 2 million Americans suffer from some form of inflammatory disease. There is an equal incidence of Crohns in males and females.

What causes Crohn's disease?

Experts are not sure, and studies and research are ongoing. Several theories exist but unfortunately, none of these theories has yet been scientifically proven. Most experts agree that the immune system of people with Crohn's disease reacts abnormally - it treats good bacteria, foods, and other substances that are good for us as foreign and unwanted substances. In other words, the patients own immune system attacks. This leaves us with the question, does Crohn's disease cause an abnormal immune system response, or does an abnormal immune system response cause Crohn's disease

Would you be discharged from the british army if diagnosed with crohns disease?

Because of the nature of Crohns disease it may stay in remission long enough to serve out your hitch but don't count on it. Crohns can flare up anytime and stress is a big factor. Army doctors will have access to the latest meds used to control the symptoms but it is not curable. You will want to know where every latrine is during a flare up and it will disrupt your daily routines at the most inappropriate times. Check out the link for a US Army Staff Sargent with Crohns.

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How common is Crohns disease in the US?

It certainly feels like it's common - once others know you have it, it seems like everyone knows someone who has it. If you have done any research you will note that it is not a rare condition - The good news is they have a lot a data on the what medicines can help and what you can expect. The bad news is still no info on what causes it or how it can be eliminated. But whether it is rare or common doesn't matter - what matters is if you have it, you need to find away to make you world work. Get to know your doctors, don't be afraid to challenge your doctor. If something seems wrong (you know your body) you are a person first and foremost, a patient only when you have to be and never a victim.

How many people have Crohn's disease?

Most of us survive Crohns disease. The mortality rate is rather low in North America. Because many patients are in extremely poor condition before diagnosis, the survival rate after the first diagnosis is better than 95 percent after the first year and 80 percent after twelve years. It should be noted that most deaths occur from complications post surgery and other diseases due to weakened immune systems.