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None. All 12 astronauts that landed there got out and walked around, mostly picking up rocks.

There were 9 manned missions that reached lunar orbit: Apollo 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Apollo 8 just orbited, Apollo 10 just tested the Lunar Lander in lunar orbit (dress rehearsal), and Apollo 13 had a severe malfunction that meant they could not land on the Moon. The other six missions landed 2 astronauts each.

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Q: How many people have just landed on the Moon and not walked on it?
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Where does Fox News get the notion no one has walked on the Moon or landed on Mars?

Conspiracy theorist have long stated that people have never walked on the moon or landed a spacecraft on Mars. Fox News is just one organization that may hold that opinion.

Was it just NASA landings on the moon?

NASA is the only agency to have landed humans on the moon. Russia, however, has landed probes and rovers on the moon's surface.

How people landed on the moon and there are no gravity?

The moon does actually have a gravitational pull, just a lot lower than gravity on Earth. Also, the lunar landers were "aimed" at the moon and pushed there with rockets (thrusters) to get them there.

Who was the first 3 people to walk on the moon and where were they from?

Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon first, but Collins was there too, he just stayed in the capsule. All three were from the United States.

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It's just the Earth. We are on the third planet from the Sun. No people have been anywhere else except the Moon.

How long between Armstrong and Aldrin walking on the moon?

Armstrong & Aldrin landed on the moon in July of 1969, which is just over 43 years ago.

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Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are famous for having just a pair of underpants and a Marmite sandwich each in the hold when they reached the surface of the Moon.

How many times have you visited the moon in all Who were they Not just the US?

Eight space missions orbited the moon, carrying 24 astronauts. All were men from the USA who traveled to the moon as part of NASA's Apollo program during the period from 1968 to 1972. Six missions landed on the moon, and their 12 astronauts walked on its surface. No man walked on the moon more than once. And nobody except the 24 astronauts on the eight Apollo missions has ever been farther into space than "low earth orbit".

What was the special about the first man who landed on moon?

Just taking a shot in the dark here, but it's probably that "he was the first man to land on the moon."In other words, "What are you asking?"

When and where did the Apollo 11 landed?

Apollo 11 landed in the Sea of Tranquility on July 20th 1969. Although called a sea, the Sea of Tranquility is just an area of land. When it landed on Earth, it landed in the Pacific Ocean southwest of Hawaii at 12:51 p.m, July 24.

What make people walk the moon with no gravity?

The Moon has mass, so it does have gravity. That is why people can walk on the Moon and not go off into space. The Moon's force of gravity (1.6m/sec2) is just 1/6 of the Earth's (9.81 meters/sec2) because the Moon is not as massive as the Earth. The lower force of gravity means that when the astronauts walked on the moon, each step was more like a large bounce !

What outerspace object have humans landed on?

Just the Moon and the Space station so far, but no doubt there were some early orbit meeting expeditions.