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actually, not a lot of people

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Q: How many people have marble skin?
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Are marble notebooks the same as marble composition notebooks?

Yes, they are exactly the same. It's just that many people would prefer marble notebooks.

What is the example of artificial texture?

These are plastic toy, metal toys, sculpture, skin of young and old people, marble or ceramics.

How many people can sit at the Marble Dining Room Set by Coaster?

The Marble Dining Room Set by Coaster only seats 4 people.

How many year did anient people play marble?

In year 1800

Why is it bad to use marble as a cosmetic?

Its not good for the skin and dries it out!

Is Marble handmade or natural?

Marble is a type of stone. People like the way it looks so they use it for many purposes and cut it up and polish it.

What do people see in the display room of the vermont marble company?


Why does marble flooring feel cool to touch?

It feels cold because it is colder than your skin . Marble feels colder than say wood because the marble conducts heat more readily.

Is there anything unusual about marble?

There are many different types of marble. Marble is limestone that has been metamorphosed.

What does dara look like in the clay marble?

she has purple skin and is very odd looking

Why is marble used for statues or grand buildings?

People can use marble for architecture and grand buildings statues are made up of marble.

What were Marble Headers?

The marble headers were people who crossed the Americans across the Delaware river