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The L.D.S. (Mormon) Church is often the target of litigation for one thing or another. Most of them are frivolous law suits that come to nothing. The media likes to 'sensationalize' them on front page headlines. Anti-Mormons like to point them out to everyone they talk to or will listen to them. Anyone with any common sense would be able to know that the lawsuit is frivolous and that it will go nowhere.

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Q: How many people have sued the Mormon church?
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When you are lied to mistreated and abused as a result of Mormonism what recourse do you have?

If you are lied to, nothing. You can choose what to believe and what not to believe, so if someone lies to you there is nothing you can do legally to get back at them. This is especially true in religious cases, because all religion is a matter of personal faith and opinion. If you are mistreated and abused, you can definately seek legal action. I have heard of a few cases within the past decade in which the Mormon Church was sued for abuse from one of their local leaders. In most cases the courts ruled that the Church held little or no responsibility as all local leaders are lay volunteers. When suing as a personal matter between you and a local church leader, the local church leader is almost always found at fault and punished according to the law. Check out the "Related Links" below to see some news stories about abuse cases involving the Mormon church.