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Q: How many people immigrated to America during the potato famine?
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Where did people effected by the Irish famine relocate to?

The majority of people affected by the Great Potato Famine in Ireland immigrated to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

How did people get to America during the famine?

They travelled by ship.

Why did Italians migrate to America in the 1800s?

Italians immigrated to the United States because at the time American was a booming country known for their industrialization , strength and "freedom".

What led to the flood of Irish immigrants entering the US in the mid 1840?

In Ireland, they had a potato famine caused by a fungus. Many people died of the hunger, and thousands immigrated to America in hopes of a better life.

What led to the flood of Irish immigrants entering the US in the mid-1840s?

In Ireland, they had a potato famine caused by a fungus. Many people died of the hunger, and thousands immigrated to America in hopes of a better life.

How many people immigrated to America IN 2007?

alot of people :] ha...

What is the main reason why the reason why people immigrated?

People immigrated for various reasons such as better economic opportunities, escaping persecution or conflict, reuniting with family, or seeking better living conditions.

What is one example of a monoculture?

Irish Potato Famine. The Irish focused only on one type of potato, so when blight hit, all their resources were gone and the people died or immigrated to other countries including America.

What led to the great upsurge on Irish immigration during the 1840s?

Between 1845 and 1852, Ireland went through the Great Famine. Over a million people immigrated to the U.S. due to the mass starvation and diseases.

What happened in eviction in Ireland during the famine?

People came in to America and didn't have food so they got potatoes to eat.

Where did people evict when the famine was on in Ireland?

they emigrated to America

Irish in the US?

Many Irish people emigrated to America during the Great Famine in 1845. Many of them established large communities in Newfoundland. Therefore, there is now many Irish people in America.