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Q: How many people in California get colon cancer?
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How many people caught colon cancer?

I belive there is many people who will get colon cancer due to unhealthy meal. For instance, fried food and barbeque is the worst you can get it it you continues to eat it daily. So when you eat have a healthy meal then you will have a less chance getting colon cancer or intestine cancer.

How many Americans die from colon and rectal cancer?

Nearly 57,000 people died from colon and rectal cancer in the United States in 2003

How many people die from colon cancer?

my mom didn't so...

Is removing the colon the best colon cancer treatment?

Radiation into the anus is probably what most doctors will recommend for colon cancer treatment. It will not be a kind feeling treatment, so many people choose to be under the influence of a sedentary.

How many people die from colon cancer each year?

about 1,000,000 people every year

How many people die annually from colon cancer?

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system. Rectal cancer is cancer of the last 6 inches of the colon. Together, they're often referred to as colorectal cancers. About 112,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer annually, and about 41,000 new cases of rectal cancer are diagnosed each year, according to the American Cancer Society

Watch for Colon Cancer Symptoms?

Colon cancer is one of the more common types of cancer in the United States. Doctors are still not sure exactly what causes colon cancer, although certain genes can increase the risk for colon cancer. However, if you catch colon cancer early it can often be cured. Many cases of colon cancer are detected each year even before patients experience symptoms through routine colon cancer screenings. The symptoms of colon cancer vary depending on the patient, the location of the tumor and the size of the tumor. More common symptoms include diarrhea, blood in your stool, rectal bleeding, black or tarry stools, narrow stools, constipation, abdominal pain or cramps, gas, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, weakness, unexplained iron deficiency anemia and a feeling that your bowel is not completely emptying. Many patients do not experience any of these symptoms until they have very advanced colon cancer, making routine colon cancer screening very important for catching these cancers while there is still a good chance of curing them. People who are at higher risk for colon cancer should speak with their doctor if they experience colon cancer symptoms, as early detection is important. This includes people over 50 years old, people with a family history of colon or breast cancer, people who are obese or follow a sedentary lifestyle, people with chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon or diabetes, and people who drink or consume a diet high in fat and low in fiber. The best test for detecting whether you actually have colon cancer is a colonoscopy, as it is the only test that examines the whole colon for polyps and other possible cancerous masses. Making lifestyle changes may help to lower you colon cancer risk. Consider losing weight if you are overweight or maintaining a healthy weight, stopping smoking, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising most days of the week and avoiding alcohol or only drinking alcohol in moderation.

What kind of fruits and best for colon cancer?

Many fruits and vegetables are said to be best in preventing Colon Cancer. Spinach and Black Raspberries among many other types of food are wonderful for prevention.

What are of different kinds of cancer?

There are many different types of cancers in the world. There are cancers such as bladder cancer, Breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid caner and many others.

What is intestinal cancer?

abnormal formations in the colon known as polyps may grow into cancerous tumors if left unchecked. they may be: benign (cannot spread the cancer to other body parts) or malignant (can spread to other parts) A Colonoscopy is a procedure that is done to look for polyp formations - usually when people are in their 50's

Does colon cancer have advanced warning signs?

There are many symptoms of colon cancer such as changes in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea and any other stool changes. Also rapid weight loss, fatigue, anemia or jaundice.

What Are Some Of The Treatment Options Available For Colon Cancer?

The Prevalence Of Colon CancerIt is estimated that there will be 136,000 new cases of colon cancer this year. It is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. Colon cancer can develop at any age, but it is usually diagnosed in people who are over the age of 50. The number of people being diagnosed with colon cancer is on the rise, but fortunately, there are several treatment options available. Below are some of the treatment options that are available for colon cancer:SurgeryIn many cases, colon cancer can be removed during a colonoscopy if it is localized inside of a polyp and in the early stages. If polyps cannot be removed during a colonoscopy, then laparoscopic surgery may be recommended. Surgery may also be recommended if the cancer has grown through or into the colon. The nearby lymph nodes may be removed alsoAdditionally, surgery may still be performed if the cancer is advanced. The surgery can help alleviate a blockage inside of the colon and improve the symptoms, such as pain and bleedingChemotherapy Chemotherapy, which is a treatment that uses strong drugs to kill cancerous cells, may also be used to treat colon cancer. It is often recommended after surgery if the cancer is affecting the lymph nodes. Chemotherapy can reduce the chances of the cancer returning.Additionally, chemotherapy can be used if the cancer has been spread to other parts of the body. It can help alleviate some of the symptoms of colon cancer. In some cases, chemotherapy is used along with radiation therapy.Radiation TherapyRadiation therapy kills cancer cells by using x-rays or other powerful energy sources. It may be used before surgery in order to shrink a tumor. It can also be used to shrink the cancerous cells that may remain after surgery. Furthermore, radiation therapy may reduce the chances of the cancer returning.