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Q: How many people in communist countries were unhappy with communism?
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Who rules in a communism?

In most communist countries, a dictator. But there is such a thing as libertarian communism which is where the people rule and everything is voted by everyone.

How did people who didn't like communism affect north Vietnam?

They didn't. In communist countries people who don't like communism are imprisoned and tortured until they decide to live as though they do like communism, or they are killed. Michael Montagne

How can you use communism and dictator in the same sentence?

It might be easier to use communist, but you asked for communism so...Though the countries' dictator spoke at length about his people's liberties and and personal gains, other countries' rulers viewed the comments as strictly communism.

Why do people leave communist countries?

There are not a lot of communist countries left in the world, but there was a time when people used to try to flee from communist countries. In some cases they were getting away from abusive dictatorial governments, but more often they just wanted to go to a country where the economy was healthier and they could enjoy a higher standard of living. Communist countries have usually had severe economic problems, and that is the main reason why people eventually rejected communism in most of the formerly communist countries. China is a special case, and although the Chinese government claims to still be communist in nature, it has adopted a mixed economic system, with elements of both communism and capitalism.

Which countries adopted communism?

There is a lot of debate over this issue, but the countries that people generally think of when they think of Communism (Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam e.t.c) aren't, and weren't, Communist (except perhaps Russia, for a brief period after the Russian Revolution of 1917). Many of them were headed by Communists, but the policies enacted within these countries weren't to serve the people themselves (as is the bottom line of Communist thought), but to serve the top dogs. These countries are typically referred to as Communist States, but that's a contradiction in terms, as one of the main necessities for a country to be Communist is for the structure of the state to be demolished. A common feature of almost all of the so called 'Communist States' is what is known as State Capitalism, where the productive forces are controlled solely by the state in a capitalistic manner, which isn't Communism. In short, none of the countries that people think of when they think of Communism were Communist. Communism is basically where the means of production are owned collectively by the working class, not the state. The Paris commune and 'anarchist' Spain are small scale examples of this.

What president ended communist rule?

No President is solely responsible for the fall of Communism in any country, it was the desire of the people that ended Communism rule in their country, though a few countries (North Korea, China, and Cuba most notably) still have Communist governments.

what is the government religion in Vietnam?

They are a communist government still, and some countries with communism allow religion and some communist governments don't. The Vietnamese government has persecuted some religious people in their country.

What country was related to communism?

When most people think of communism they think of Russia, but China is also communist and there are many others.

Why did communism start in Europe?

it rose because of the glorious Soviet liberators it fell for all the satellite countries and independent communist countries fell with the Soviet union or counterrevolution

Do people emigrate to other countries because of communism?

No they don't. People emigrate but not because of communism.

Did people accused of communism get executed in the communist trials of 1950?

Many people were accused of communism in the 1950s but the only people executed were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg in 1951.

What is the total number of Communist countries in the world today?

The countries which today are officially run by a Communist party today are: People's Republic of China, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba, Nepal, Belarus, and Russia. So there are still 8 communist countries.Technically they are not communist because....Communism is not where there's a leader/dictator. Communism is about ZERO government. The moment you add government, it's not longer communist. Countries such as North Korea are not even communistic. If you break down what they're doing piece by piece, they are NOT communist. You do get the chance to choose your future in a communist society. You do get human rights, way more than you would ever get in a capitalist society. You do get free speech, way more than you would ever get in a capitalist society.