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Q: How many people in the past 20 years have been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease?
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I am in the army band and was diagnosed with Crohns disease what are my odds of being medically retired?

It would depend on the severity of the disease and the number of flare ups you get. Once you are diagnosed, good response to drug treatments can ensure mild symptoms often allowing the patient years of continued employment.

Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

Is Crohns Disease ever inactive?

i have had crohns disease for 16 years and it never goes away. it can remain fairly inactive for a while, but anything could trigger a flare up. best thing to do is to take meds and strict diet.

Can improper cleaning of lettuce cause crohn's disease?

No. It is very unlikely that unrinsed lettuce would cause Crohns disease. Medical experts have been searching for the cause of this disease for years. Unrinsed produce may cause diarrhea and cramping from e-coli or other food borne bacteria but you will not get Crohns disease from it.

Alcohol-related effects on Crohns disease. My 18 year old son has had Crohns disease for ten years and just started to drink and smoke. Won't listen to what I say. Just wants to have fun. Help.?

its his choice but if it hurts then he should stop. Enjoy your life, Not destroy your life.

What age is primary Raynaud's disease diagnosed at?

Primary Raynaud's disease is diagnosed following the Allen Brown criteria

Could anxiety medication help crohns disease?

Some anti anxiety medications have been used effectively in combination with anti-inflammatory medicines over the years. While not suspected of being the cause of Crohns disease anymore, it is well known that anxiety and stress can exacerbate a flare up of your disease making treatment more difficult.

What syndrome did Stephen Hawking have?

Stephan Hawking is diagnosed with ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is frequently called Lou Gehrig's disease. Most patients diagnosed with this disease die within five years however Hawking was diagnosed at 21 years old and is now 70.

Does crohns disease disqualify you from being a fighter pilot?

This very much depends on your military doctor if you are already in the armed forces. Crohns disease can be in remission for years, but can flare at anytime. Depending on the severity of the flare up and when it happens it would not be a good idea to be in the cockpit of an aircraft at the time. You certainly would be grounded during such a flare as the medications used to control a Crohns attack can affect your performance both physically and mentally.

Does crohns disease get worse over time?

Not necessarily. Each patient is different and the severity of the symptoms can vary a great deal. While Crohns is never cured, remissions (times when the disease is not active) can last for years. Flare's can come and go suddenly, or they can get worse as they go on until hospitalization is the only course of action. There is no way to predict this as each patients disease progresses on its own course.

Can crohn's disease go into remisson by itself. My mom was diagnosed with it in 2000. Quit taking her medication 3 years ago and claims to have no symptoms. Is this possible?

Absolutely. This is called a remission and it happens to most patients, regularly. Note I said regularly. Active Crohns can simply stop having symptoms, the patient can feel fine for months and even years, many stop taking their medications. This is not a good idea. Crohns is not cured, ever, chances are good that a flare will strike and it could have been avoided or at least better controlled had the medications been continued. It is a dangerous notion for patients to believe the disease has been miraculously cured.

What gender is most affected by Leukemia?

It is usually a very sad case when people are diagnosed with Leukemia. This is a horrible disease that kills.