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This very much depends on your military doctor if you are already in the armed forces.

Crohns disease can be in remission for years, but can flare at anytime. Depending on the severity of the flare up and when it happens it would not be a good idea to be in the cockpit of an aircraft at the time. You certainly would be grounded during such a flare as the medications used to control a Crohns attack can affect your performance both physically and mentally.

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Q: Does crohns disease disqualify you from being a fighter pilot?
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What are the chances of passing crohns to your offspring i am a female without Crohns but my boyfriend has crohns Can we have a heathly child?

Crohns disease has not yet been proven to be genetics. People develop Crohns with no family history or having any sort of digestive system issues. The belief that Crohns disease exists is because of today's medical advancement. Peoples immune systems are not as strong as they once were because of immunisation shots and such, this disease is on the UP and more and more people are being diagnosed. So it is hard to say what chances are of your offspring acquiring the disease.

Can crohns be confused with appendicitis?

Yes. Many Crohns sufferers prior to being diagnosed with the disease will have had a diagnosis of appendicitis and many patients will have that organ removed. Severe appendicitis has similar symptoms to a Crohns flare up.

Could anxiety medication help crohns disease?

Some anti anxiety medications have been used effectively in combination with anti-inflammatory medicines over the years. While not suspected of being the cause of Crohns disease anymore, it is well known that anxiety and stress can exacerbate a flare up of your disease making treatment more difficult.

Are researchers close to a cure for Crohn's disease if not how they trying to get to a cure?

Great strides are being made in research. Finding the cause for Crohns must come first. With a source of the disease established, a cure will then be easier to find. Crohns is certainly not a "glamorous" disease. Funding for research is difficult to gather. Most folks don't want to discuss bowel problems. Most patients are not even comfortable with general conversation on the subject.

Is Australian Crohns Disease caused at birth or from the environment?

It is still unknown what causes Crohn's disease. This is what is known or suspected. Inherited predisposition has long been suspected and families with a history of Crohn's often produce children with higher risk of developing the disease. Environmental triggers also are being studied with no definitive results. Hyper activation of the immune system appears to be an important clue but testing and research is ongoing. Most recently a gene called NOD2 has been identified as having an association with Crohns. Crohn's disease is not however confined to an individual country, a Canadian or American with crohns disease is diagnosed the same as an Australian. Dropping the country specific designation will help your search for information.

What causes Crohn's disease?

Experts are not sure, and studies and research are ongoing. Several theories exist but unfortunately, none of these theories has yet been scientifically proven. Most experts agree that the immune system of people with Crohn's disease reacts abnormally - it treats good bacteria, foods, and other substances that are good for us as foreign and unwanted substances. In other words, the patients own immune system attacks. This leaves us with the question, does Crohn's disease cause an abnormal immune system response, or does an abnormal immune system response cause Crohn's disease

I am in the army band and was diagnosed with Crohns disease what are my odds of being medically retired?

It would depend on the severity of the disease and the number of flare ups you get. Once you are diagnosed, good response to drug treatments can ensure mild symptoms often allowing the patient years of continued employment.

Does a felony disqualify you from being a firefighter?

It may because being a firefighter is a position of public trust.

Does a criminal record automatically disqualify somebody from becoming a solicitor?

No.But being a human being should.

Does being fired for misconduct disqualify you from getting food stamps?

While being discharged "for cause" WILL usually disqualify you from collectingunemployment insurance, you will probably qualify for some other type of assistance from which you may get food stamp assistance.

What two things that can disqualify you from being eligible for a job?

Felony charge and lack of experience

Does stress make Crohns worse?

Stress can have an effect on the progress of Crohns disease. While stress does not cause the disease, Crohn's can causes excessive diarrhea and gas, it is embarrassing for people to go out in public, possibly leading to disassociation and being house bound . Likewise, travel becomes much more difficult, which leads to feelings of loss of freedom and depression. Long term pain also causes emotional complications. Stress can cause flare-ups of complications in patients already affected.