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Q: How many people like Harbor seals?
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How many harbor seals are there?

No one knows because it is based on how many died each day and how many were born. But in the california waters there is about 40,000 harbor seals

How many grams do seals way?

A harbor seal can weigh up to 168,000 grams (168 kg).

What can kill harbor seals?

There are many things that can kill a harbour seals first there are humans which is a big part in killing them because of of some peoples rudeness toward animals.

How many Harbor seal are left in the world?

According to the latest estimates, there are about five to six million harbor seals in the world. While the harbor seal is not threatened overall, but some of the subspecies are in somewhat of a danger.

How many people were on Pearl Harbor?

more than 3,500 people were at pearl harbor

How many people surived in the attack on Pearl Harbor?

1100 people surived the pearl harbor war.

How many baby seals does a seal have?

One at a time

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How Many people Live In Harbor Beach?

The population of Harbor Beach, Michigan as of 2000 is 1,837 residents.

How many babys does a leopard have?

one, like all seals

How many eggs do Harbor seals lay?

Mammals do not lay eggs. They give birth to live young and feed them milk.