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Q: How many people lived in Londinium by the year 400?
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What was the original name of the British capital and how many people lived there by the year 400?

The original name of the British capital was Londinium. And there were about 50000 people

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I think 2billion people

What was London called in the Middle Ages?

London was called Londinium. It was established by the Romans in the year 60-61AD. By the Middle Ages, Londinium had become London.

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The name comes from the romans, since London was founded by the Romans in AD 43 as Londinium, following the Roman conquest of Britain.

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There is no year 0 in the gregorian calender.

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Approximatley there are about 47,817,000 people living in Korea but that is in the year 2005. +___+ ADRIANA

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7668304 is an approximate number of people living in London for the year 2010.

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Not as many people probably probably would have lived near the Nile then.

How many people lived in British capital the year 400?

I don't know I think I can't help you sorry(((

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The U.S. census shows that the population in the year of 1800 was 5,096,908.

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The present population of Canada has been put at 33 million.