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B.C. And Saskatchewan-5,000

NB, Alta, Ont.-10,000


Quebec-all are ville

NS-no cities but regional municipalities.

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4w ago

The number of people who make up a city in Canada varies depending on the size of the city. Generally, cities in Canada have populations ranging from a few thousand to over a million residents.

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How many people watch city tv in Canada?

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How often are censuses carried out in Canada?

A censes is carried out about every 2 years in Canada. A census is a recording of population. This includes how many people live in a certain city or how many people live in Canada itself.

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Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the country's main financial centre. Many people work in the service or manufacturing industries, which produce a large percentage of Canada's exports.

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Montreal has many cobblestone streets

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What is the most populated city in Canada and how many people live there?

I regret, it's Toronto. As of 2011, its population was 2,615,060.

How many people make up a city?

The population of a city can vary greatly, ranging from a few thousand to millions of people. There is no set number that defines a city, as size and population can vary significantly depending on the location and country.

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How many square miles does Canada cover?

The country of Canada covers an area of 3,854,085 square miles. The capitol city is Ottawa and is home to over 35 million people.

Do most people live in the city in japan?

Most people would live in the city but as in all countries, many people would farm to make a living.

How many miles is it from Toronto-Canada to Halifax-Canada?

According to PC Miler, city centre to city centre, it is 1786 km