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population my hommie!

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Q: How many people must live in a state to elect three state representatives?
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Why did the three fifths compromise state?

Southern states did not like the Three-Fifths Compromise because it reduced the size of their population counted for representation in Congress. Every five slaves would only count as three people when it came time to elect the members of the House of Representatives.

What are three important features of Jamestown's government?

made a more stable government. they made laws, they let voters elect representatives to make laws, and people had politicial rights.

Size of constituency in house of representatives?

A constituency is a body of people able to elect a representative. It can also be defined as an electoral district. So basically, the size of a constituency can range from small (only two or three people voting) to large (tens of thousands of people voting).

How many US reprensentatives can a state have?

The smallest number of representatives a state can have is one, and they will report to the House of Representatives. The number of representatives are based on population and there is no limit. However, each state is also given two and only two senators, who report to the Senate. So truly, a minimum of three people represent a state.

How many representatives does the state of WV have?

There are three. Check this out... How_many_US_Representatives_are_there_in_West_Virginia

How often do people elect a leader in France?

every three years

Why would South Carolina's delegates to the Constitutional Convention have opposed the Three-Fifths Compromise?

Southern states did not like the Three-Fifths Compromise because it reduced the size of their population counted for representation in Congress. Every five slaves would only count as three people when it came time to elect the members of the House of Representatives.

How are they selected in the house of representatives?

The number of representatives each state gets is based on the population of that state; for example while Utah has three reps, New York has 29 reps. This just goes to show you that larger, more populous states have more representatives in the House of Representatives.

How many house members does New Mexico have?

New Mexico has three US Representatives and 70 New Mexico State Representatives.

Is it true each states electoral college equal the number of representatives that state has in Congress?

The number of electoral votes that a state has is equal to the number of Representatives and Senators for that state. The total equals 435 for the house of Representatives and 100 for the Senate plus three for the District of Columbia.

How many representatives for Washington DC?

Washington, D.C. does not have a representative per se. Only states are allocated congressmen. Washington, D.C. and U.S. territories do have non-voting delegates. Washington, D.C. has one such delegate.

What happens if the number of electoral votes are not reached?

The required number is more than half of the total. If no candidate gets this required majority, the House of Representatives chooses the president from among the top three candidates using a special procedure in which each state gets one vote.