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none, the gypsies suffered thier own genocide at the same time though.

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Q: How many people other than Jews were killed during the Holocaust?
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How many people were killed in the holocaust other than Jews?

People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.

Did people in concentration camps kill other people during the holocaust?

no but the German people killed all the Jews there or worked them to death

Were there other people killed along the side of the Jewish people of Europe?

yes they was more killed in the holocaust

Who were killed in gas chambers?

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews, along with other groups such as Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled individuals, were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis as part of their genocidal policies. This occurred primarily in extermination camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.

How many people were killed during the Nazi holocaust?

It has been estimated that about 13.5 Million people were murdered during the Holocaust. 6.6 Million being Jews, 3 Million being Soviet POW's, 1.9 Million being Non-Jewish Poles. Other kinds of people such as the Mentally and Physically Disables along with Criminals, Black People and Romas were also killed the Nazi Genocide which is known as the Holocaust.

What are some other groups other than Jews that were killed in the holoucast?

There were many other groups that had people killed by Hitler and the Nazis, but the Holocaust was the specific actions against the Jews, therefore there were no other groups killed in the Holocaust. The only other group which suffered similar persecution to the Jews was the gypsies.

Why did the holocaust happen to the jews and not other people?

6 million Jews killed 7 million other undesirables killed in camps 25 million soldiers and civilians killed in war

How were people affected negatively by the Holocaust?

Over 6 million Jews and other peoples were killed and I think that would negatively affect anyone. This does not even include all the friends and family of the people killed that were negatively affected by the holocaust.

Who were the other the other five million non-jews that were killed in the Holocaust?

People with disabilities, homosexuals, people of certain religions, foreigners. Probably more. Lol. your funny! n ... who were killed by the camps or who killed the Jews in the camps? :?

What was the Holocaust was?

The Holocaust was the systematic mass murder of Jews and other 'inferiors' during World War II. Jews were rounded up, transported to camps, and worked to death or killed.

What fraction of Jews were killed during the holocaust to the population of people in the world back then in an estimate?

During this time of the twentieth century, about nine-million Jews were living Europe. When the Holocaust began, deportations of Jews began. In the end, approximately six-million of the nine-million Jews died at the hands of Nazis. In other words, two out of every three Jews were killed by the Nazis by the end of the Holocaust.

How many people died during the holocaist?

11 million people were killed during the Holocaust (1.1 million children).6 million of those victims were Jewish. Other groups targeted by the Nazis were Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, disabled people, and Gypsies. 11.