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We don't have an exact number, since there is no registration of gun owners or guns. However, it is estimated that about 1/3rd of all household owns at least 1 gun.

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Q: How many people own guns in the united state?
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How many people were killed by guns per state?

You would have to contact all the states to find out.

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How many guns are non registered in the U.S?

The number of guns owned by civilians in the United States is estimated to be between 238 million and 276 million. There is no gun registration on the Federal level, except for machine guns. There is no registration on the state level in the majority of the states for any guns. This means that most of these are not registered.

How many people in the US are related to guns?

It is estimated that around 30% of American adults own a gun or live in a household with guns. This would translate to roughly 100 million people.

How many guns in each state?

No central records.

How does salaries vary from state to state in the United States?

Salaries vary from state from how poor or rich the state is. How many people live in the state and the goverment of the state.

How many people die by a gun in Texas?

It's not about the guns! It's the people who use the guns.

How many people die by guns in the world?

It is estimated that around 250,000 people die from gun-related incidents annually worldwide. However, this number can vary depending on the source and region.

Isn't a police state where there are way too many so called authorities have guns but I don't?

A police state occurs when the STATE has all the guns and I don't have mine.

How many guns are owned in the UK?

There are an estimated 1.2 million legal firearms owned by civilians in the UK as of 2019. Ownership of firearms in the UK is tightly regulated and subject to strict licensing requirements.