

How many people said that ghosts are not real?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well there really can today we just went to the store and left our video camera on and up and are wii on in the downstairs living room...We came back to find that our wii was off and that our video camera was face down on the cabinet and completely off and the wii was off...then we also noticed that when we asked to the air to give us a sign if someone was there we heard a scratching noise outside of the room that made us run into more of a civilized area...i dont know if it was just a coincidence or not but i sure believe that ghosts are real...And no animal was down there, please comment if you belive!

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Q: How many people said that ghosts are not real?
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Ghosts are not. However, demons are. Ghosts are spirits, and all spirits either go to heaven or hell, so no, but demons, as I said, are real.

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I don't believe so, because many people that have said that they have seen ghosts describe them with clothing on. If that's true, where did they get their clothes from, a ghost tailor? actually when people see ghosts with cloths on its the cloths they died in so in a way yes there are ghosts but they are really the devils work

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Ghosts are not real. Whoever said this is..............nvm. Stop wasting time worrying about this and live your life!

Why shouldn't you tell people you can see ghosts?

because you can't I recomend that you don't tell anybody except people that you trust. I believe ghosts are real because I have seen them all my life. My mom took me to a doctor and they said that they couldn't do anything. If you go around telling people and they don't believe in ghosts then they will think you are crazy.

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There is no definitive answer as ghosts are a supernatural concept and do not adhere to a specific language. In popular culture, ghostly communication is often portrayed as sounds or whispers rather than spoken language.

Are ghosts scared of iron?

Many people have said yes, so I'm assuming they are but it is not proven. If you want to know anymore about ghosts just start a conversation with me on wikianswers. I have alot of information.

Are ghosts real to people?

This is a question that cannot be answered to people because some people might say yes and some people might say no. You don't see ghosts at all. When I looked in this website if ghosts are real, they said they might be or they might not and said if you feel cold air when it's warm, that's a ghost. If you asked a question like " When people die are ghosts real? " Well, that's a very good question to answer. I've been to church and I loved it and one time, we had to answer some questions. My mom said they rae because when people die, their spirit is in heaven and they come out in Earth looking like ghosts. Some people say if they're real, you're believing into the death. This is an okay thing to say but I'm really sorry if I said that. Then the said you're bad. We just can answer my questions and come to them so far, so now. We know, everybody should go to church for sure, God blesses and has faith in us. Jesus and God are not the same. At first, I thought they were but my dad explained it to me and Jesus is the son of God and Mary. God is our Son, or father. God does not have parents. W ehave faith and hope. Thank you for looking at my question! I'm not sure if it's a yes or a no.

Is a ghosts real?

There is rumors out there in real life that ghosts are real. Some people been saying that they been haunted in their house.It is said that if you are in war and you die without having to remember all your past and you get a shot in the head and die quickly,you are most likely to be a ghost.Ghosts have nothing to do with heaven or hell they just wonder around in earth scaring people.One of my teachers in middle school back in the days he said that ghosts cannot harm people since God himself made a rule about that There is ways to get rid of ghosts easily: -Ignore them -Do not be afraid -Whatever you do don't pay attention -Just say there is no such thing If you believe in the paranormal and is scared then they might haunt you. If you don't believe in ghosts then you will not get any paranormal activities in your life. If you somewhat believe in ghosts by little then maybe in your life one day you will have a paranormal activity.

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No, Many people said that he said he was gay on Oprah, he was talking about his uncle who actually is gay.

Who said ghosts aren't real in Hamlet?

Horatio didn't believe in ghosts. After seeing the ghost for the first time, he said the following:Horatio: Before my God, I might not this believeWithout the sensible and true avouchOf mine own eyes.Hamlet : Act 1 Scene 1

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Yes, many people have said they have seen them.