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Q: How many people think recycling is a waste of time?
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Advantage of e waste?

There is advantages on e-waste recycling since developing countries depend on E-waste recycling a lot. For example, the e-waste recycling industry in China and India in very important. Many people earn this for a living. So e-waste recycling is important. But also, there are disadvantages since e-waste produces a lot of pollution. It is bad to peoples health so we must be careful.

Advantage and disadvantage of recycling construction materials?

There are many benefits of recycling construction materials, many of which would be the same as recycling in your own household.Some benefits of using a waste disposal facility:Many recycling facilities allow co-mingling waste into one container. This expedites your project, increases efficiency, and can result in cost savings.Recycling takes many materials out of the waste stream for beneficial reuse.Help increase the construction industry's role in recycling and reusing their own waste products.Recycling can help municipalities increase yearly tonnage and become eligible for grant opportunities.Earn LEED credits.

How many e-waste recycling companies in India?

200000 companies in India

How magnets are used to help recycling?

The Magnets are often used for the separation of metals in many of todays most common recycling applications such as automobile recycling, recycling of electrical goods, skip waste, domestic waste and in fact, wherever there is a need to separate ferrous and non-ferrous metals from other materials.

Scientists estimate that a low-waste society could use reduction reuse and recycling to cut its waste by how many percents?

By 75 - 90%.

Are cities making recycling part of their waste management schemes?

Many cities are incorporating recycling into their waste management planning. Quite a few offer recycling pickup service; several are going so far as to institute single-stream recycling, where homeowners put all recyclable materials in one container, rather than separating it out by product type.

How many scientist think recycling reduces pollution?


Why do most people hate recycling?

I don't believe that people in general hate recycling; it just seems to be one of those issues where many people don't take too seriously as they do not believe that their lack of recycling would have a diverse effect on the environment. The catch to this of course is that if enough people think like this, the environment does indeed suffer. For this reason, many companies have taken it upon themselves to raise awareness of this issue by hosting community events and organizations and building facilities to recycle various types of materials. The entire functions of these corporations is to reduce the amount of waste in the environment and increase the amount of recycling occurring to ultimately preserve the environment. So, it doesn't seem that most people hate the act of recycling itself, they simply don't believe it is a big enough issue to warrant being at the forefront of their mind as they don't believe their generation will feel the effects.

Is recycling the answer to problem of waste?

Recycling is just a partial problem solver we have to do follow some norms to stop this wasteRecycling can help curb the problem of waste taking up physical space, but in many cases, the fuel burned by collection trucks and recycling plants along with the waste from the recycling process can be more damaging to the environment than simply creating new products. Aluminum is a noteable exception to this.But recycling still has about 50% share in cleaning the environment along with other green activities. The wastes from the recycling processes are a main issue but it should be resolved immediately to make recycling a Green Activity with any ambiguity.

How many people recycle in the UK?

According to a report by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, around 45% of households in the UK recycle regularly. This translates to roughly 26 million households participating in recycling efforts.

Related literature on solid waste management?

Solid waste management includes things like landfills or recycling companies. Related literature can be found in many places, such as online or in a library.

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There are too much waste in many city in Egypt, I start to think about to change these waste to fertilizer and alternative fuel. This project to protect our people and benefit all farmer land. Can you help me about this project, I wait your advice.