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it pollutes the ocean.

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Q: What happens when people throw away trash in the ocean?
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What causes people to dump their waste in the ocean?

People might litter in the oceans because there is not bins to throw the trash away.

Is it against the law to throw trash in the ocean?

Of course it is!

Why are most ocean pollutants found at the coast?

Because lazy butt people can't throw their stinking trash in a trashcan at the beach they are too lazy to walk up the beach so they think they can throw their trash at the ocean coast and get away with it.

How does trash get into the ocean?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

What happens to the trash we throw away?

the trash is thrown all over our country and causes pollution

What does Oahu do with their trash?

that is a stupid question (no offense)WhAt dO YOU dO With YOUR tRASh?:)hawaii may be far, from North America, but it is not like we throw all our trash into the ocean! :D

What happens when you throw away an ipod?

The trash truck takes it to the dumpster

How is trash pollution happening?

people being to lazy to throw trash in the trash can and trash deposits over flowing

What is the reason for trash cans?

So That People will not litter and throw there trash away

How much trash is in the Pacific Ocean?

More than thousands of people visit the ocean so think of how many of those people pee in the ocean is probably more than half of those people do and so further more to say even more than that people put trash in the ocean for there has been evidence on tapes of people doing this also known as littering. This is illegal to liter and there for u should not do this. It is very unhealthy for the life that lives under the water and pollutes the water. Killing the ocean does not makes things better. But more than 366,544,023 people put trash in the ocean

How does trash get into oceans?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

How does littering happen?

littering happens when people are careless and throw their trash anywhere