

How many people tried out for Darth Vader?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I imagine a lot of people did, but I don't know an exact number

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Q: How many people tried out for Darth Vader?
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Johnny Depp because he has been in so many movies and Darth Vader has only been in like 8! ~Carbear out peace

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Depends on how you look at it. Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader halfway through "Revenge of the Sith," but redeemed himself at the end of "Return of the Jedi." So if you include his Darth Vader form, then he is in all six movies. If you don't include Darth Vader, then the "true Anakin" is only in four films

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The Best Accessories for Your Darth Vader Costume?

Darth Vader is one of the most recognizable movie characters of all time. People can spot a Darth Vader costume instantly. But when you are planning to dress up like the Dark Lord of the Sith, it helps to have the proper accessories.LightsaberOne of them most important Darth Vader accessories is his lightsaber. You can purchase a toy lightsaber at any department or toy store, but be careful. If you are going to dress like Darth Vader, then you will want to get the right color lightsaber. Darth Vader's lightsaber is red. If you get a blue or green lightsaber to go with your Darth Vader costume, then you have made a horrible mistake.CapeDo not make the mistake of getting a Darth Vader costume that does not have a cape. There are almost no scenes in the "Star Wars" movies that feature Darth Vader without his cape. Some costume companies charge extra for the cape, but it is worth the cost.Heavy BreatherDarth Vader is known for the heavy breathing sound he makes at all times. This is often an accessory that many Darth Vader costumes do not come with. If you are lucky enough to find a Darth Vader costume that has the breathing sound built in to the mask, then that is the costume you want. Otherwise, you can customize your Darth Vader mask by installing a small speaker in the back of the helmet and having an MP3 player broadcast a loop of the heavy breathing sound. You put the speaker in the back of the helmet to prevent the sound from interfering with your ability to talk. Don't forget to make small holes in the helmet so the sound can be heard.Light Up Chest PieceAdd a little something special to your Darth Vader costume by making the colored buttons on your chest piece light up. A small battery-powered string of LED lights installed behind your chest piece is all you need to add some flair to your costume.A Darth Vader costume can be fun to wear. But if you want to make the right impression, you need to make sure you have all of the necessary accessories a real sith would require.

Which star wars character holds the red laser?

Darth vader or count dooku dark bane darth sidious asaj ventress and many more sith

Darth Vader is real?

No, but he was based on historical figures such as Adolf Hitler that brought terror to many people.