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My mom had a friend who died from smokeing

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Q: How many people under the age of 21 have died from smoking or second hand smoke?
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Is a student allowed to smoke off of school grounds?

No - as the most logical explanation can be that mostly students at school are under age and are not legally allowed to smoke at that age.Moreover, smoking in public places with other students around can increase the risks of second hand smoking for the non-smoking students!!! not at all..

Why cant you smoke under 21?

That's drinking-smoking is 18.

What are reasons of smoking?

Sometimes, people smoke because they are under pressure of friends, or that they a stressed and feel like smoking makes you feel comfortable, but it is bad for you because it can cause lung cancer and make you die.

Are you legal to smoke under 14?

No whether or not you have consent you cannot smoke under 18. Consent doesn't matter with smoking, only with drinking. Take it from expierence, I'm 17 and I just got my smoking ticket due to this billcrap law.

Why are cigarettes not sold to people under 14?

Cigarettes can cause severe damage over time to the lungs and the blood vessels. There is an increased risk of heart attack, heart disease and stroke, not to mention cancers of the lung, mouth, and stomach to name a few. Smoking can also lead to impotence - an inability to get an errection ! You need to be old enough to understand fully the dangers of smoking before you light your first cigarette.

Can a 12 year old smoke?

It is illegal in most States for a child under the age of 18 to smoke. Smoking is habit forming and not worth getting hooked on. Smoking doesn't make a 12 year old look cool.

What if you have a hole where your wisdom teeth where taken out how long should you wait to smoke?

Smoking is not recommended under any circumstances.

What keeps people smoking?

People may continue smoking due to addiction to nicotine, social influences, stress relief, or a habit they find challenging to break. Additionally, the addictive nature of smoking can make it difficult for individuals to quit despite knowing the associated health risks.

Is it ok to smoke when your 11?

Uh....No! Could stunt your growth, wrinkles on your face especially around your mouth, it stinks!, bad for your teeth and gums, cancer, it's illegal if your under 18!, just to mention a few things!! No, it's not okay. Smoking damages your heart, lungs, and even your soul. If you want to die an early death (who does?) then maybe smoking is right for you. Smoking can also harm the people around you through second-hand smoke. If you are 11, don't smoke or you may never see the age of 16. Sixteen, the year you can drive, you could have you super-sweet sixteen, don't thow it all away. Do you want yellow fingernails (not the nice manicure kind though), bad-breath, or yellow teeth. If so you can kiss marriage goodbye. Again, no, its not okay to smoke when you are eleven. Please don't smoke! Smoking stinks! :-(

If you were around people while they were smoking marijuana for the past few days would it show up on a drug test?

Depends on if you where hot boxing(Smoking in a confined place) or not. most likely no it can be out of your system even will inhaleing in under 4 days if you dont smoke often

Is it illegal to smoke?

yes in public places such as school, resturants etc. also if you are under 16. Yes it is illegal smoke in the US if you are under the age of 18...It is also illegal to smoke in all government and state buildings...smoking in resturants and bars varies from state to state...

Statistics in teenagers smoking?

i am 13, and i smoke. end of story. i know at least 15; 10 year olds that smoke, and many more from other age groups under 18.