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How many people take it?  I can say that without a shred of doubt, at least ONE person does take it.  I have been taking 300mgs of Lamictal once a day for 10 years due to a seizure disorder. It's quite honestly, one of the best anti-seizure drugs I've been prescribed.

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Q: How many people use lamictal?
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What are the benefits of combining Lamictal and Wellbutrin?

Some people become hypomanic / manic when taking Wellbutrin, and Lamictal can help stabilize mood in this case.

Is Lamictal Poisonous to dogs?

can lamotrigine be used for dogs with seizures?

Can you take add meds without a prescription if I already take lamictal for epilepsy?

The only advice I can give you is to ask your doctor or your pharmacist. Only they will know what dosage of Lamictal you are taking, and what other medication you are thinking of taking. They are qualified to know what you should do. They can tell you if you can use any other medications and what can be taken with Lamictal.

What is lamigdole?

Perhaps you mean, Lamictal. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer used to treat Bipolar disorder or seizures.

Will lamictal 100mg make a dirty urine test?

yes. it will also cause an intense and potentially deadly rash around your genitals. it's not comfortable, and it kinda feels like herpes mixed with ghonorrhea. overall, don't use lamictal.

Was it necessarily Lamictal causing hives that went away four days after discontinuing use if you were taking Keflex for infection after minor surgery at the same time as the Lamictal?

Though most patients handle Lamictal well, hives is one of the potential side-effects of Lamictal, and you should call your doctor immediately if you experience hives. You should not discontinue taking the medication without letting your doctors know. There can be other serious side-effects of quitting the medication cold-turkey. Although hives are associated with a reaction to Lamictal, there is always a possibility that they may have been caused by something else.

Is lamictal a barbiturate?

Lamictal is not a barbiturate. Rather, it is a prescription medication used to treat bipolar disorder, and is classified as an anticonvulsant.

Can you take topamax and lamictal together?

Yes, there is no problem in taking those 2 drugs together. However, you might see a little bit more dizziness and drowsiness in taking the 2 drugs the same day, but is a normal effect and should get better with time.

How many people use photoshop?

There is no record of how many people use it.

Can you take wellbrutrin and lamictal and Zoloft?


Can you take klonipin lamictal and pristiq all together safely?

I take both Lamictal and Pristiq together and haven't noticed any side-effects.

Do many people use Google buzz?

It depends on what you think is "many people", but generally, many people do use it.